Here's a checklist of steps when migrating Application Designer projects between a source and target database. For example the source might be a development environment and the target a test environment.
Source database
- Validate the source Project
- Compare the Project to the target environment. Ensure you have the right compare settings
- Check the upgrade flags for all object types and ensure they are correct (be especially wary of deletes)
- Copy the project to the target enviroment. Again, ensure you have the right copy settings
- Re-compare your project with the target enviroment and check the flags - make sure it seems everything has been copied
Target database
- Validate the project. This will more than likely tell you of most migration problems.
- Build the project script in the target environment with the appropriate build settings.
- Run the build script. Track if anything fails.
The most likely causes for the build script failing are the order in which the objects are created (e.g. a view is being built before a record that the view uses) or there are objects missing in the target environment (either left out of the project or due to a dependency on another project).
When the migration is complete:
- Have the PeopleSoft administrator clear the web/application server cache
- If security is being migrated, run portal security sync
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