URLs to Hyperlinks
As a follow on to the Email Mailto Links Regex article, this article gives an example of a PeopleCode function that searches for URLs (web addresses) in a text string and converts them into HTML hyperlinks.
This article gives an example of a PeopleCode function that searches for URLs in a text string and converts them into HTML hyperlinks complete with the anchor (<a>
) tags and target="blank"
to open in a new tab/window.
So for example if it were to find the text:
It would be replaced with the HTML:
<a href="https://www.peoplesoftwiki.com" target="_blank">https://www.peoplesoftwiki.com</a>
This allows a end user to click on the hyperlink and have it open in a new window. This is particularly useful for long description configuration fields where users can specify a URL and this will automatically displayed as a hyperlink.
Function ConvertURLsToHyperLinks(&sInput As string) Returns string
Local JavaObject &jURLRegex, &jURLLinkRegex, &jInput;
Local string &sHTML;
/* Match any URLs */
&jURLRegex = CreateJavaObject("java.lang.String", "\bhttps?://\S+\b");
/* Replace the found match ($0 back reference) and enclose with a href HTML tag */
&jURLLinkRegex = CreateJavaObject("java.lang.String", "<a href=""$0"" target=""_blank"">$0</a>");
/* Store the text to be scanned for URLs as a Java string object */
&jInput = CreateJavaObject("java.lang.String", &sInput);
/* Perform a replace all using the search URL regex and the URL link regex */
&sHTML = &jInput.replaceAll(&jURLRegex, &jURLLinkRegex);
Return &sHTML;
A few limitations to be aware of with this function are:
- The URL must start with
(either http or https protocol) - If you have a trailing slash at the end of your URL it will not be matched. Leave it out
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