Creating an Unique File Name
If you are working with files or file attachments in PeopleCode, you will typically want to create a unique file name for each user to prevent them from overwriting each others files if files are being stored in the same folder.
Here's a simple piece of PeopleCode that generates a file name prefix with the format OPRID-Date-Time
Local string &sFilePrefix;
&sFilePrefix = %OperatorId | "-";
&sFilePrefix = &sFilePrefix | String(%Date) | "-";
&sFilePrefix = &sFilePrefix | Substring(String(%Time), 1, 8) | "-";
The Substring(String(%Time), 1, 8)
drops the millisecond component of the time stamp (which is 6 digits long). If you want to include the millisecond component, don't perform the Substring
. Also %Time
is the database time not the application server time. If you want the application server time use %PerfTime
instead. The application server time %PerfTime
might be more accurate for file attachments for example.
If you have a number of files per each user, you might want to consider creating a subdirectory for each each operator ID and placing files in there.
The reason for using Operator IDs is that they have a strict format and don't contain any spaces. This isn't the case for run control IDs.
For example you can create run control IDs like these:
try saving this \/:*?"<>|
rm -r -f /
Not the most ideal file names! That is why run control ID is not used in the file prefix.
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