
Dates in XML Publisher

XML publisher uses coordinated universal time or UTC to display dates and times in report output. Depending on where you are in the world, this can throw out dates and times in your report.

For example, if the date being passed to the report from the database is 27/10/2009 00:00:00 (UTC+10 for Brisbane, Queensland Australia), this will actually be displayed in UTC (0, or essentially Greenwich mean time). In this case this is 10 hours behind so due to the time zone difference, the date can appear a day behind as 26/10/2009 (depending on the current time).

To fix this to use the appropriate UTC formatting or time zone:

  • Find the date field causing you grief (e.g.<?C.ACTIONDT?>)

Change it to include UTC or time zone formatting using one of these options:

  • <?format-date:C.ACTION_DT;'MMMM d, yyyy';'UTC'?>
  • <?format-date:C.ACTION_DT;'dd/mm/yyyy';'UTC'?>
  • <?format-date:C.ACTION_DT;’LONG_TIME_TZ’;’Australia/Brisbane’?>

Note for the third option, you will need to adjust to your time zone.

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