

Development Roles

In your development environment, you will typically have super user access. Most people achieve t...

Get roles and permissions for a particular user

The following query will return the roles and permission lists that a particular user belongs to....


Roles are used by PeopleSoft to implement security. A role is way of grouping one or more Permis...

Dynamic Roles not Assigned

While working with dynamic roles, I came across a problem where users were not being assigned a d...

Organization Defaults by Permission List

Certain organization defaults can be set on permission lists in HRMS/Campus Solutions under: S...

PeopleSoft Security Hierarchy

To understand PeopleSoft security, it it helps to look at the hierarchy for PeopleSoft security. ...

PeopleSoft Administrator Role

The PeopleSoft Administrator role is all an all powerful role that contains one permission list P...

Dynamic Roles

Roles (and permission lists) can be assigned to users dynamically in PeopleSoft using dynamic rol...

Definition Security

Definition Security is used to control access to PeopleSoft definitions through Application Desig...

Field Level Auditing

There are two types of delivered auditing in PeopleSoft: Field level auditing Record level aud...

PeopleTools Security

A summary of the main PeopleTools security records. Operators (Users) Record Description...

Which Users have access to a Page

Find out which users (and from what permission lists) have access to a particular page: select d...

PeopleTools Access

PeopleTools access is set by permission list: PeopleTools > Security > Permissions &...

Dynamic Roles with PeopleCode Rule

Dynamic roles can be assigned using query rules, PeopleCode rules or directory rules. Using Peop...

Hiding Portal Folders

A common security requirement is to hide a portal folder in the left hand navigation menu from us...

What is Audited?

When there's an issue, a frequent question that comes up is: what is being audited? This is close...

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